Spiral of Creation

“Spiral of Creation”

Category: Spiral of Creation

Oil on Canvas 85 x 85 cm

I received this Vision in Januari 2017 during one of the most beautiful nights of my life so far. Guatemala Lake Atitlan gave me the vision to paint earth’s body, for days and weeks I couldn’t stop thinking about painting this painting and it was time to make it With Daniel Mirante during the Spring trimester at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art.

These are all Chakras of the planet
1st Root Chakra. Mount Shasta (California)
2nd Sacral Chakra. Lake titikaka (Bolivia, Peru)
3rd Solar Plexus Chakra. Uluru (Australia)
4th Heart Chakra. Glastonbury (England)
5th Throat Chakra. Pyramids (Egypt)
6th Third eye Chakra. Mount Kailash (Tibet)
7th Crown Chakra. The SUN

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Inspiration received during a full moon ceremony in Guatemala

The Vienna Academy of Visionary art 2017 finished may 2018

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